Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

General Information

Group project for the Deep Learning course of the Master’s Degree in Computer Science at University of Trento.

Description & Objectives

The main focus of this project is to build, train, and evaluate a deep learning framework on a standard setting of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA).

The test dataset on which the proposed methods are tested is the Adaptiope, a large scale, diverse UDA dataset with 3 domains: synthetic, product, and real-world data.

The implemented networks will be trained:

The gain, namely the amount of improvement we receive when we use the domain adaption framework compared to the outcome we get without any domain alignment approach, is used to assess the quality of the domain alignment strategy. The gain can be represented mathematically as:

$$ G = acc_{uda} - acc_{so} $$

This has been be done in both directions between the two selected domains, using as evaluation metric the validation accuracy on the target domain:

$$ Accuracy = \frac{T_P + T_N}{T_P + T_N + F_P + F_N} $$


Eventually lower and upper bounds will be calculated training the networks only on one specific domain (source domain for a lower bound, target domain for an upper bound), enabling us to provide some considerations about the achievements of our architectures.

Domain Adaptation

Just to give a formal background, we leverage on the definition of Domain Adaptation provided by Gabriela Csurka et.al which in the following sub-section will be presented.

We define a domain $D$ as a d-dimensional feature space $X \in \mathcal{R}^d$ based on a marginal probability distribution $P(X)$, and a task $T$ is defined as a conditional probability distribution $P(Y|X)$ where $Y$ is the label space. Given sample set $X = \{x_1, \cdots x_n\}$ of $X$ and their corresponding labels $Y = \{y_1, \cdots y_n\}$ from $Y$. In general, these feature-label pairings $\{x_i, y_i\}$ may be used in order to learn the probability distribution $P(Y|X)$ in a supervised way. Let us assume we have two domains with their related tasks: a source domain $D_s = {X_s, P(X_s)}$ with $T_s = {Y_s, P(Y_s|X_s)}$ and a target domain $Dt = {X_t, P(X_t)}$ with $T_t = {Y_t, P(Y_t|X_t)}$. If the two domains corresponds, namely $D_s = D_t$ and $T_s = T_t$, traditional machine learning methods can be used to solve the problem, where $D_s$ becomes the training set and $D_t$ the test set. However, this assumption is violated, $D_t \neq D_s$ or $T_t \neq T_s$, the models trained on $D_s$ might perform poorly on $D_t$, or they are not applicable directly if $T_t \neq T_s$. Futhermore, when the source domain is related to the target, it is possible to exploit the related information from $\{D_s, T_s\}$ to learn $P(Y_t|X_t)$.

This process is known as transfer learning.

Domain Adaptation typically refers to situations in which the tasks remain the same ($T_t = T_s$), but the domains differ ($D_s \neq D_t$). In classification tasks, it is assumed that both the set of labels and the conditional distributions are shared between the two domains, i.e., $Y_s = Y_t$ and $P(Y|X_t) = P(Y|X_s)$. However, the second assumption, $P(Y|X_t) = P(Y|X_s)$, is quite strong and may not always hold in real-world scenarios. Consequently, the definition of domain adaptation is often simplified to only require the first assumption, namely $Y_s = Y_t = Y$.

Furthermore, the Domain Adaptation field distinguishes between two scenarios:

  1. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, where labels are only available for the source domain.
  2. Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation, where only a limited number of target samples are labeled.

Proposed Solutions

When addressing Deep Domain Adaptation problems, there are three primary approaches:

  1. Discrepancy-based methods: These methods align the domain data representation using statistical measures.
  2. Adversarial-based methods: They involve a domain discriminator to enforce domain confusion.
  3. Reconstruction-based methods: These methods use an auxiliary reconstruction task to ensure a domain-invariant feature representation.

This repository includes solutions for each of these methods, as well as a custom solution that combines two of them: discrepancy-based and reconstruction-based (DSN + MEDM).

Due to the limited availability of examples, training a network from scratch has not yielded satisfactory results. Therefore, we start with a feature extractor pre-trained on the ImageNet object recognition dataset.

Additionally, to explore the proposed methods thoroughly, we provide the option to evaluate the domain adaptation method using two different backbone networks: AlexNet and ResNet18.

Network Architectures

To effectively address the domain adaptation challenge, we have implemented various network architectures adapted from relevant research papers and tailored to our requirements.

Our primary objective, as stated in the introduction, is to assess the performance (gain) of some of the most significant approaches in the domain adaptation field, integrated with two of the most prominent convolutional neural network architectures: AlexNet and ResNet.

In this repository, we cover:


In this project, we explored various architecture categories for domain adaptation techniques, including discrepancy-based, adversarial-based, and reconstruction-based. Notably, the most effective approaches were DANN and MEDM.

MEDM is a versatile approach that can be seamlessly integrated into any architecture, featuring two straightforward entropy losses that result in stable training and impressive performance. In contrast, DANN is more susceptible to hyperparameter variations and often leads to unstable training.

During our experiments, we found that combining DSN and MEDM proved effective, while combining MEDM and DANN did not consistently yield improvement.

Adapting from the product domain to the real world is more challenging, but it offers a greater potential for improvement since there is more room between the baseline and the upper bound. Conversely, transitioning between real-world and product images ensures higher accuracy because the networks have been pretrained on ImageNet. Consequently, the gap between the baseline and the real world is narrower, making significant progress more challenging.

After testing both AlexNet and ResNet18 as backbone architectures, we discovered that not only did ResNet18 exhibit higher baseline and upper-bound values, but all domain adaptation strategies also generated substantially greater gains.

t-SNE plots clearly demonstrated that our final solution effectively extracts relevant features from both domains while maintaining accurate classification. The distributions closely resemble the optimal ones, represented by the upper bound ResNet18 model.

Distribution Alignment Plots

We have included plots that illustrate how features from the target and source domains are distributed using dimensionality reduction techniques.

For instance, we present the product-to-real-world domain adaptation, focusing on the best-performing model, namely DSN + MEDM. To provide an effective representation of distribution alignment and consolidate the most significant graph for our project, we present two graphs:

  1. The distribution of features learned by the backbone neural network (ResNet18 in both cases), excluding the classifier or bottleneck layers.
  2. The predicted class distribution.

Note: Both plots are generated based on the target domain (real-world), which the DSN+MEDM approach does not have access to.

Ideally, we aim for our domain adaptation model to achieve performance similar to that of the upper-bound model, which provides the best generalization for both source and target domain samples. Therefore, the model’s feature distribution is a valuable metric for assessing the quality of the domain adaptation technique.

Upper Bound Features Distribution on the Test Set:

Upper Bound Features Distribution

Upper Bound Classes Distribution on the Test Set:

Upper Bound Classes Distribution on Test Set

We expect both the classes and features distribution to align closely with the target distributions, as the model has achieved remarkable performance.

DSN + MEDM Features Distribution on the Test Set:

DSN + MEDM Features Distribution

As evidenced by the class distributions below, the model’s classifier effectively clusters examples while maintaining high accuracy. Clusters are well-defined and separated, even for target domain examples, which are correctly classified.

DSN + MEDM Classes Distribution on the Test Set:

DSN + MEDM Classes Distribution on Test Set

In both cases, PCA did not provide significant insights into the results, as a linear transformation may be too simplistic for reducing high-dimensional data to a lower-dimensional embedding.


Here are the results we achieved on the smaller version of Adaptiope:

Backbone Network Method Source set Target set Accuracy on target (\%) Gain
AlexNet Source Only Product Images Real Life 64.45 0
ResNet18 Source Only Product Images Real Life 75.39 0
AlexNet Upper Bound Product Images Real Life 85.94 21.485
ResNet18 Upper Bound Product Images Real Life 96.88 20.312
AlexNet DDC Product Images Real Life 68.36 3.91
ResNet18 DDC Product Images Real Life 83.50 8.11
AlexNet DANN Product Images Real Life 65.23 0.78
ResNet18 DANN Product Images Real Life 87.11 11.72
  OriginalDSN Product Images Real Life 04.17  
AlexNet BackboneDSN Product Images Real Life 58.85 -5.60
ResNet18 BackboneDSN Product Images Real Life 78.39 3.00
ResNet18 OptimizedDSN Product Images Real Life 81.25 5.86
ResNet18 Rotation Loss Product Images Real Life 73.83 -1.56
ResNet18 MEDM Product Images Real Life 90.36 14.97
ResNet18 MEDM + DANN Product Images Real Life 80.21 4.82
ResNet18 MEDM + DSN Product Images Real Life 91.15 15.76
AlexNet Source Only Real Life Product Images 85.55 0
ResNet18 Source Only Real Life Product Images 93.75 0
AlexNet Upper Bound Real Life Product Images 95.70 10.15
ResNet18 Upper Bound Real Life Product Images 98.05 4.3
AlexNet DDC Real Life Product Images 82.03 -3.52
ResNet18 DDC Real Life Product Images 94.53 0.78
AlexNet DANN Real Life Product Images 83.98 -1.57
ResNet18 DANN Real Life Product Images 96.09 2.34
  OriginalDSN Real Life Product Images 04.17  
AlexNet BackboneDSN Real Life Product Images 84.11 -1.44
ResNet18 BackboneDSN Real Life Product Images 91.41 -2.34
ResNet18 OptimizedDSN Real Life Product Images 93.49 -0.26
ResNet18 Rotation Loss Real Life Product Images 91.80 -1.95
ResNet18 MEDM Real Life Product Images 97.14 3.39
ResNet18 MEDM + DANN Real Life Product Images 94.00 0.25
ResNet18 MEDM + DSN Real Life Product Images 96.61 2.86
